You grab your favorite mug you see a box of trail mix, jerky, and a water bottle.
(set: $hasMug to "True")
[[Go back->Go to kitchen]]1 (opacity: 0.5)[text (color:green)[color text] more text]
2 (text-rotate-x:-45)[tallest text
going down
and even further
plunging rapidly.]
<!--Rotated to create falling illuson-->
<!-- tilted text-->
4This is normal text.
(text-size:0.5)[Umm... this text is half the size of normal text]
(size:2)[This text is enlarged twofold!]
<!--bigboy and littleboy-->
5 click (click:"click")[new tex wowee]
url( fill the mug with water.
[[Go Back->Go to kitchen]]
(set: $mugFilled to "True")<img src="">
(text-color:"red")+(font:"monospace")+(text-style: "buoy", "underline")[[Start->setup]]
(set: $plantStage to 0)(set: $hasKey to "False")(set: $mugFilled to "False")(set: $hasMug to "False")(set: $plantWater to "False")(set: $hasCoins to "False")(set: $sleep to "True")(set: $hasCrowbar to "False")(set:$foundNote to 0)(set: $ratFood to "False")(set:$bloodGlass to "False")(set:$churchSecret to "False")(set:$ratFren to "False")
<!-- checking my source code eh, there aren't many secrets but good luck hunting anyways-->
<!--Favicon temp untill i make one-->
<script> $(document.head).append('<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/png" />');
You look around your small kitchen. It is barebones yet somewhat charming.
There is fresh fish in the fridge and herbs on the windowsill.
Your [[cabinets ->Cabinet]] are small and mostly empty, bar your dinnerware and a few snacks.
Dirty plates fill the [[sink]].
[[Go back->Look Around ID]]You take the lefthand passage, there is a old [[church]] here.
It is still in use every sunday, but you dont go anymore.
[[North]] Your [[room->bedRoom]] is the same as it's ever been, a mess.
The [[window]] is closed. Your [[Plant]] is alive, and the world is stagnant.
[[Go to kitchen]]
[[Go Outside->porchUrs]]You are in your front yard. To the left is your [[mailbox]].
There is a road leading [[North]] from your house and a side path leading [[Northeast]]
[[Go back->porchUrs]]You head down the road north towards the town. You pass a great oak [[Tree]].
There is a crossroads here. To the [[Left]] is a church, and to your [[Right]] is the town entrance.
[[Go back->Look around OD]]
<!--Put crossroad ASCII art here -->You take the North-East trail, weaving between trees and walking along the rocky terrain. You make your way toward an old [[lighthouse->lightHouse]] .
<!---Lighthouse art---->
[[Go back->Look around OD]]This is your cactus it looks thirsty.
[[Go back->Look Around ID]]
(if: $mugFilled is "True")[(set: $plantStage to 1)]
(if: $mugFilled is "True")[//You pour the water into the soil//]
(if: $mugFilled is "True")+(replace: "thirsty")[**happy**]
(if: $bloodGlass is "True")[//You pour the (text-color:red)+(text-style:
"rumble")[bloody] goblet into the soil?!?]
(if: $bloodGlass is "True")[(set: $plantStage to 2)]
(if: $bloodGlass is "True")+(replace: "happy","thirsty")[(text-color:red)+(text-style:"rumble")[thirsty..]]
(if: $plantStage is 0)[<img src="">]
(if: $plantStage is 1)[<img src="">]
(if: $plantStage is 2)[<img src="">]
<!--cock-->You decide to head towards town, After walking for a short while you make it to the town square.
From here you can see the [[tavern]] and a [[shop]].
[[Look around->townOD]]
[[Go back->North]]''Made By Sam :>''
For Creative Writing
Graphics made in REX-Paint 1.60
Built in Twinery 2Before you stands an oak tree. It has been in this land for ages before you and will be for many after.
You notice that the [[bark]] seems disrupted near the bottom of the trunk.
[[Go back->North]]The ally is about as gross as you thought it would be, frankly you dont really want to be here.
next to the [[dumpster]] are sevral faded [[posters]].
(if:$ratFren is "False")[In the back of the ally you see a small [[rat]] nibbling on some garbage](else:)[the [[rat]] sqeaks at you!]
[[Leave->shop]]Upon closer examination, you notice that a small chuck of wood has been carved away revealing a stash of coins (click:"coins")[You got 1$!] and a steel key!
<!--Put ASCII tree thing here-->
//You take everything//
(set: $hasCoins to "True")
(set: $hasKey to "True")
[[Go back->North]](opacity:0.9)+(text-color:"blue")[You sleep........]
As you drift off the sounds of the crashing waves grow //louder and louder.//
In your slumber, strange images inject themselves into what would otherwise be an ordinary dream.
A lighthouse stands crooked as if a metal wire was twisted and warped, and otherworldy glimpses of a church flash as (text-color:"gray")[growling] sounds become discordant.
You awake in a cold sweat; the world is no longer still, and you are
(text-color:"gray")+(t8n:"fade-down")+(t8n-delay:8s)+(text-rotate-x:-45)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-size:2)+(text-style:"tall")[F a l l i n g .]
(click:"F a l l i n g .")[(restart:)]=><=
''Are you sure you want to go to bed? ''
(button:)[[No->bedRoom]]It's a gloomy morning.
You awake to the sounds of the sea.
[[Go back to bed->bedPromt]]
[[Look Around->Look Around ID]]
[[Go to kitchen]]"Sorry bud, cant sell you beer without an id"
(click: "id")+(text-color: gray)[You are not 21 //and the author doesn't want to raise the rating//]
[[Return->tavern]]Sorry i havent written this part yet
[[Return->storeID]]You see a pile of boxes and tools(click:"tools")+(text-color:"gray")[( You found a crowbar!)] under the steps. On the top crate, there is a [[note]].
(set: $hasCrowbar to "True")
[[Go back->lightHouseID]]This is a dumpster.
[[Open it->dumpsterID]]
[[Return->ally]](set: $ratFren to "True")
[[Leave->ally]] The door to the lighthouse is in front of you; its wood shows clear signs of age.
(if: $hasKey is "False")[You attempt to open the door, //It is locked//]
(if: $hasKey is "True")[ [[You open the door with the key->lightHouseID]]]
[[Go back->Northeast]]From the entrance, you see a dilapidated spiral [[staircase]]. Beneath the steps you notice several [[crates]].
//You can tell that the stairs are particularly damaged. However they seem safe to use.//
[[Leave->Northeast]]You look inside the mailbox.
--''you have mail! ''--
<!--Sam you need to put a cool ascii mail image here but heres the letters text :3 -->
Dear $name, You are always welcome in our church.
I felt I should reach out, after hearing you had some troubles at sea last year.
//" When in the Lord's safe landing net I'm peacefully asleep, That in His mercy I be judged as good enough to keep."//
--''Paster Stevenson''
[[Go back->Look around OD]]You walk over to the jukebox in the corner
it is increibly old but seems to still be functianl
Change the song?
(font:'Monospace')+(border:"dotted")[My final statement on the matter
Today marks the last day I will be operating this lighthouse.
The suits in town say that it's not as 'efficient' as the newly planned one.
How does it make sense to put an honest man out of work.
Work that he has spent decades of his life doing for this town?
I can't help but think this has something to do with that new man in town;
he kept going on about tides and light interference. ]
''the rest of page is torn''
(set:$foundNote to 1)
[[Go back->lightHouseID]]You step outside, and the familiar scent of fish and salt fills your nostrils.
The sky is a moody gray and the wind strong, but seeing as you are a sailor, the weather couldn't be better.
[[Look around->Look around OD]]
[[Go back inside->Look Around ID]]On the wall, there are several ads for fish and junk food. Though there is one undamaged [[poster->missingPoster]]
[[Return->ally]] you appoach the rat, it does not seem to care.
(if: $ratFood is "False")[//I think he's hungry//]
(if: $ratFood is "True")[[Offer food to the rat->feedRat]]
(if: $ratFren is "True")[(redirect: "feedRat")]<!--put code with random hints here-->
[[Return->tavern]] Sorry not a pawn shop, you know this $name.
[[Return->storeID]](set: $name to (prompt: [Your name, please:], "Janeeric namsman", "Don't care", "Confirm"))
[[Begin->bedRoom]]You walk towwards the genrawl store, the neon sign is lit. There is a [[small allyway->ally]] to the side of the store
[[Go inside the shop->storeID]]
[[Go back->Right]]The sink is a mess from many previous meals. You really should do the dishes soon. But right now, cleaning is the last thing on your mind.
(if: $hasMug is "True")[[I should bring my plant water->Fill mug]]
[[Go back->Go to kitchen]]You scale the stairs; this is quite the leg workout.
After a few minutes, you make it to the top.
At the end of the stairs, there is a balcony.
You can see the whole island from up here.
The light itself is out, of course.
//If I had the proper tools I might be able to light it again.//
[[Go back down->lightHouseID]][[Exit->shop]]
<ascii art of shop here-->
''Jace Bobinsin''
<img src=
"Howdy $name, looking to [[buy?->buy]].
[[could i sell some of my stuff?->sell]]
[[Go back->Right]]
(visited:"posters")[[[Whats up with that poster?->askPoster]]][[Docks]]
[[Go back->Right]]From the window you can see the shoreline.
[[Return->Look Around ID]]
<img src=
You attempt to use the hatch, and with a bit of force; it cracks open.
There is a [[tunnel]] before you, pitch black spare the light brought in from the now open hatch.
<!--if i add the arg style secret ending i will put it here-->
(if: $churchSecret is "False")[go-to: [[Church->church]]](if: $lamp is "True")[You ingnite your lamp and [[proceed]]](else:)[Its too dark to see, I should [[leave.->SECRETCHURCHEND]]]
<!--so the code will force the player back to the first act but i cant do that beacued the sorce is at home :/-->
You stroll through the narrow passage. It is far colder down here.
After a short while of walking, you come across a [[door]].
<!--creepy tunnel ascii here and previus passage-->A large metal door blocks your path.
<!--you know the drill draw ascii-->
[[Open]] [[Knock]] [[Examine]]
(click: "metal")[//The door looks very strong//]You attempt to force the door open
It dosent budge.
[[Return->door]] You knock, there is no answer.
[[Return->door]] You find that the door has a [[keypad]] near the handle!
[[Return->door]] <!--ascii art of keypad here-->
[[Return->door]]You enter the church
[[Return->North]] The poster shows the face of someone you dont recinise, On the bottom end of the paper there is a sectoin filled with phone numbers
Take one? (click:"Take one?")+(text-color:"Grey")[//You rip off a slip of paper and put it in your pocket (set:$phoneNumber to "True")//]
[[Return->ally]]With great reluctence you open the lid to the dumpster.
there is plenty of garbage, in fact //nothing// but garbage.
[[Leave->ally]]<script> $(document.head).append('<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/png" />');
<!--placeholder untill i make a purty favicon-->Oh that, I saw it when I was taking out the trash last week.
I have no clue who put it up and I dont think ive ever seen the person on it.
If you ask me I think its some prank.
[[Go back->tavern]]